Self Tapes That Book
The Rinse and Repeat Process to Creating bookable Self-Tapes!
Most actors believe you can't book off of self-tape. Well, you're wrong!
You get the notification and immediately think, why bother... nobody books off self tapes. but you put in the work anyhow... probably too much work, retake after retake, only to wrestle with tech for 8 hours just to submit the darn thing. at this point, you can't tell if your tape is even any good and you'll never know because you've never even had a callback let alone a booking from your tapes.
Self Tapes aren’t going anywhere. So, it’s time to learn the proven system to feel as confident, enthusiastic and powerful as you do in the room.
The Premier program for actors who want unshakable confidence in every Self Tape.

Watch what Dan has to say about the course and his biggest booking yet!

If you really want to...
- Jump into the pool of working actors that book off self-tapes...
- Feel excited (rather than stressed!) when an appointment comes in because you got the tech-side handled…
- fully drop into the character + the scene and just have fun...
Then it’s time to get really honest with yourself and uncover what actually WORKS to book from self tapes.
I got so much from the "Self Tape That Book" program! DaJuan broke down on what I need to do to streamline my process and up-level my self-tapes game. Before the course, there were things I missed from my self-tapes that I technically knew but didn't put into my process. During the course, through DaJuan's feedback, I was able to pinpoint what I needed to work on to fine-tune my performance. When a Casting Director's feedback on my last self-tape assignment was "She's great! Keep it up!", I felt so grateful and motivated to keep going and I wouldn't get that feedback without DaJuan's coaching throughout the program. Thank you so much DaJuan for all your coaching and notes and encouragement! I'm forever grateful!
Regina Ohashi

Here’s what you’ve probably been doing up until now…
- Staying up until 2:30 in the morning doing 24 takes and still feeling your choices aren't strong enough
- Getting the dreaded "great job" feedback from your 16th casting director workshop and still not getting called in
- Absorbing every FREE self-tape class + live event only to get more and more get confused
- Piecemealing your process together every time a new audition comes in, so you never really know why you don't get called in
- Left on your own to guess at why other actors book and you don't
Self Tapes That Book Is Designed to Erase All of That.

Self Tapes That Book is built on my signature GPS System (yes… the exact system I used to book my Emmy Campaign worthy guest star on Grey’s Anatomy through a Self Tape)
- Phase 1: Gear. Most self tape classes out there focus way too much on Gear. And While it’s important, it’s not worth all the stress you’ve put into it. Most actors get totally distracted by gear. You don’t need fancy gear, you need reliable gear. And any class out there that tells you it’s all about the Gear is missing the point. Which is why I’m going to get you set up with the right gear at the lowest price without distractions.
Craft is King.
Always has been, always will be.
- Phase 2: If a ring light and an $800 camera could book you more work, I’d be all for it. But your gear means nothing without your Performance. Would you ever do 50 takes in the room? Hell no. So why do 50 takes and think you’re going to find magic? It's also the thing that leads to dread self-tapes, instead of looking forward to them. And believe me when I tell you that energy shows up on camera. You're going to learn the exact process I use and coach my booking actors. The same process I used to book my role on Grey’s and the same process that’s helped countless others book too.
- Phase 3: Support. My biggest pet peeve about most self tape classes is that while they teach you about the gear and cover a little technique, they don’t give you hands on feedback on your actual performance. Sure, most classes will work with a “couple of volunteers,” but that’s not enough. I know you want specific feedback on YOUR TAPE. Which is why during STTB, you’ll have the chance to upload 4 self tapes throughout the class. Myself or my team will provide feedback on each of them. And we’re not talking about a high level discussion of everyone’s tapes in a general way where we highlight a couple of students. We will personally review and give you feedback on 3 of your tapes. (keeping reading about the 4th) This is the thing that will ensure that your craft is the best it can be and you actually know what to work on to get better. No theories, just facts.
- BONUS. Phase 4: Casting Director. I’m not insane. I know you want it. So, I’m giving it to you. Our class culminates in a very special bonus. When you join me for Self Tapes That Book today, you’ll have the opportunity to submit your very best tape to a currently working Casting Director who will also critique your tape and provide you with written feedback. Now, instead of working out the kinks in a casting director “class,” hoping and praying to do well enough to get called in, you’ll make the best possible first impression because we’re going to make sure your very best performance gets in their hands.
I’ll never forget THE WEEK…

I had two self-tapes due one right after the other, an in-person audition to prep for, lines to learn for my character on BOSCH… oh, and I had to board a plane the same day bound for NYC where I was presenting the proof of concept short film I directed at a film festival.
Yeah… #actorslife, right?
My first thought when those 3 auditions came through was… DAMN.
How am I going to make this all work!?
The idea of turning down an opportunity that could be life-changing made me sick to my stomach — I mean, all of our auditions could be “the one.”
But I knew I couldn’t make the in-person audition, so I asked to self-tape… because I knew I had a process that was quick, easy, and tested. Especially under the wire like this.
I got all three of those self-tapes in and made it to the film festival that weekend in NYC.
One of the self-tapes booked the room. How do I know? Because I was asked to do another self-tape shortly thereafter.
The second, I booked. It was for Grey’s Anatomy. Yup, the performance that ABC backed for an Emmy Campaign.
This can be your story as well.
But you first need to put your very own GPS system in place so you have the structure that will make it possible.
Hey, I’m DaJuan Johnson. I am a consistently working actor, certified life coach and the founder of Think Bigger Coaching. Currently you can catch me recurring as Detective Rondell Pierce on Amazon’s hit show BOSCH, which just finished shooting it’s seventh season - during the pandemic! My credits include an ABC-backed Emmy-campaigned performance on Grey’s Anatomy —- which I booked off a self-tape — and a lead role in the Emmy-nominated YouTube series The New 30. Other credits include NCIS (booked off self-tape), Narcos, Suits, Agent Carter, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, Private Practice, 24, and Bones. All this is to say — I’ve worked. I’ve been there and I’m DOING IT. STILL DOING. THRIVING.
My mission is simple: to help you #SKIPTHELINE. Yup, I’m on a mission to help you #uplevel your career with confidence.

SELF-TAPES THAT BOOK delivers the proven GPS formula. It’s the process I rely on every time I audition because it works.
Let me break it down for you...
The Gear
You need an affordable, high-caliber studio setup that can go up and down in minutes so taping at home is stress-free (and even fun). And don’t worry — this will not cost a fortune in new gear. On the contrary: I’ve found the best equipment for the best cost and I’m going to share my recommendations with you.
No more taping in front of makeshift curtains:
I’ll show you exactly which tools you need for a professional-grade studio that won’t distract from your performance and that shows casting that you know what you’re doing.
Most of all, we’ll get you to a place where you don’t have to worry about the tech at all so you can DROP INTO TO YOUR AUDITION and LET THE MAGIC HAPPEN.
The Performance
We’ll create a STEP-BY-STEP audition process flow so you never have to “wing it” (yikes!) in an audition again.
As part of the SELF-TAPES THAT BOOK program, you’ll receive DaJuan’s booking script analysis breakdown checklist, so you can step up your game and audition like a pro AND finally feel confident with the takes you’re submitting.
The Support
No one “makes it” on their own, and the world of self-tapes is no exception. It’s always important to have a second pair of eyes on your work so you can see what works, what doesn’t, and develop your sense for self-tapes until you have an eagle eye for what stands out on screen.
You’ll have the support of DaJuan and your fellow actors in a private Facebook group where everyone uploads their takes, gets feedback, and cheers each other on. A rising tide raises all ships!
This program is designed to teach you everything you need to know in less than 4 weeks, so you can shoot every self tape it with confidence. There’s no time to waste, so let’s get down to it.
Your Week: The Overview
Monday: Q & A’s @ 10am PST + Recorded Self Tape Trainings Released
Tuesday: Self Tape Assignment Given @ 10am PST
Wednesday Self Tape Assignment Due @ 10am PST
Your Week: The Breakdown
Every Monday, starting January 7th through January 28th, you will get access to a recorded self tape training focused on that weeks self taping goals, booking secrets, next level tools and tips.
Tuesday your weekly self-taped audition assignment will become available.
Each week we will cover different aspects of the self-taping audition process. By the end of the four weeks, you’ll walk away with confidence in your own process.
The audition is due within 24 hours (or less).
What? You came to uplevel, didn’t you?
Actors will choose from a small variety of scenes each week from Co-star to Series Regular.
Actors will post (upload) their self-tapes into the exclusive SELF-TAPES THAT BOOK group by the designated time. You will have lifetime access to this group and self-tapes!
Individual recorded feedback will be given to every actor on their tapes.
We’ll discuss feedback every Monday on a LIVE Q&A ZOOM. That’s right: we walk through all the feedback, together, so you fully understand the tangible steps to improve your self-tapes. Remember the “S” in GPS stands for Support.
Who needs a RECAP?
- Monday Q & A’s 10am PST+ Recorded Self Tape Trainings
- Tuesday Self-Tape Assignment 10am PST
- Wednesday Self-Tape Assignment Due 10am PST

Plus You Get These Awesome Bonuses!

BONUS WEEK: Casting Director Feedback (Value $1000)
...better known as the MY FRIENDS THINK I'M CRAZY BONUS!
You’ll have the opportunity to submit your very best tape to a working Casting Director who will also critique your tape and provide you with written educational feedback.
Now, instead of working out the kinks in front of a casting director, we’re going to make sure your very best performance gets in their hands, so that you can build a solid taping process.

BONUS AUDIO: Casting Director Frequently Asked Questions (Value $300)
One working casting director sat down with a group of actors just like you and answered all their burning questions about self-tapes, including the most common mistakes casting sees in tapes every day that disqualify actors immediately. Hear him talk about what stands out so you can implement those qualities in your work.

BONUS VIDEO: Technique Masterclass (Value $200)
Technique made simple. I sat down with a self-tape studio owner, who has clients come in all day long and got tips on technique dos and don’t so that you can practice these and start to add them to your own toolbox. It’s always valuable to get outside insight from people who see auditions all day long.

Get your personal self-tape questions answered in a LIVE casting director Q & A session exclusive to STTB participants.

You get a self tape audition or you just want to do ONE for practice post 60 days of the program ending -- shoot it my way for some notes. I want you to feel fully supported on your journey to booking off of self-tapes. (please allow 48 business hrs turnaround. )

BONUS STUDY MATERIAL: How to Book the Room (Value: priceless)
Review my THREE actual self-tapes that got amazing feedback but didn’t book the job. Pinpoint the kind of work that makes a self-tape submission stand out and has a CD remember you. You’ll see comedic, dramatic and action scenes and see a great demonstration of technique that works in the real world.

I don't want you feeling alone. I want to make sure you are stay on course creating self-tapes that book. We will jump on a post program 60 day Q & A check in call to coach anything that's come up with your self tapes.
Still got questions? Keep reading...
Another self-tape class? Can’t I find all of this stuff for free somewhere online?
Maybe, if you have time to dig around online and experiment! This class is a one-stop shop meant to provide you with everything you need to nail your self-tapes, right away. I’ve put it all together and weeded out the fluff so you don’t have to mess around with things that “might” work. The process, the acting support, the feedback and the action steps are proven — so you don’t have to waste a minute wondering if the next thing will get you the results you want.
I already bought your other courses. How is this different?
Self-Tapes That Book contains brand-new, never-before-seen content. Sure, there will be a little crossover, as is the case with our craft. It all works together.
Even if you’ve seen me speak, the level of hands-on, live training and implementation exercises in this program is unprecedented. It is designed to skyrocket you forward so you can #SKIPTHELINE. -
What level do I need to be at to participate?
All levels are welcome. Whether you’re newer to acting and need a way to confidently step into the world of self-taping, or you’re a veteran actor who hasn’t quite mastered the art of booking from home, this course will offer you the insight, tools and process you need to put your best foot forward with every audition.
Will sides be provided?
Why should I take this course?
This course is specifically for people who are committed to their acting career and want to master the art of creating self-tapes that book the room. Wondering why I’m the guy to teach this course? Here’s an overview of my credentials that I believe qualify me to coach you through this process:
I am a working actor
I have been an acting coach for over 15 years
I have shadowed directors for episodic TV
I have worked with casting at the executive level at ABC
I have earned over 100 IMDB credits
In short… I know what I’m talking about because I’ve been in your shoes and I’ve been on the other side. I can give you an insider’s perspective on process, technique and craft. If that feels like something you want, then you should jump in with all your heart! -
Will the self-tapes and feedback be public?
Yes, but only inside the exclusive group. Yes, you will see your fellow actors’ work. Yes, you might have the same scene as multiple people in the course. It’s all part of the learning process, and we’ll work together to create an environment of inclusion, creativity and support.
When does class start?
Week of June 7th, 2021. - and you'll be done and ready for EPISODIC SEASON
Will I get personal feedback?
YES! Feedback is the heart of the program. Each week, you’ll receive notes on your self-tapes from the team and an opportunity to speak directly to us during the LIVE Q & A weekly calls, which means no burning question will be left unanswered!
- Continue to cobble together information from various sources that may or may not be what you ultimately need and make incremental progress. Hop on every Iinstagram live, check out all of the free stories and put together your “kinda process.” Sure... yYou can learn this way… but it may take you years to fully catch up. (And doesn’t it sound so much harder?)
- I’ll tell you what: the actors who jump in this round are going to get tremendous value. For one, this is likely the most hands-on I’ll ever be with the program. (Listen, I have a thriving career, too!) But more importantly, I’ve noticed that the actors who take initiative and invest in their career are the ones that make the most progress. I encourage you to take a risk and boldly commit to upleveling your self-tape game.

What would it feel like to have a reliable and professional self-tape process in place?
Empowering. Like you have a secret advantage over other actors.
Exciting. To know that you can handle any audition at any time.
Reassuring. No more worrying about what you’ll do when a last-minute appointment comes in.

Please, do not enroll in this course if you:
Don’t want to book off self-tapes
Don’t want to do the work → It’s FOUR scenes
Aren’t willing to jump in and support your fellow actors
Judy Honeywell , Actor
Self Tapes That Book was the most incredible, insightful, and constructive acting class I've ever had. It's the class I wish I had when I first began my acting journey. DaJuan is the best. He will tell you what you need to hear but he says it from a place of wanting you to be your best. So, if you're on the fence about taking the course, get off the fence and just do it!
Hugo Carbajal, Actor
I had an excellent time with your course. I was hesitant at first because of the price, and being on unemployment. But I am glad I did it. You are an excellent coach, and a very generous teacher. I feel like my self-tape game has been elevated
Lindy Loundagin, Actor
Normally I have so much trouble with lines, but I used the GPS formula I just learned the lines, it was so much easier and freeing. It really helped me trust myself, have more fun and up my game.
Adina Taubman, Actor
I was so intimidated by self taping so it was great to have a technique to demystify the process. I feel like I have an amazing foundation now moving forward.
Choyia Adanandus, Actor
I have so much confidence. I now KNOW I can do the homework, memorize my lines, work this process in a quick turnaround time. DaJuan you have truly prepared us for how quickly the industry moves. And my self tape set up, so easy and no stress now! This class was amazing, I learned so much in 5 weeks. Plus, I feel like a kid in a candy store, so many gifts & bonuses!
Liz Herron, Actor
I want to say thank you so much for the course. It was money well spent, you covered so many things, you were so professional, with a great sense of humor and such a positive attitude. I really appreciate it! Not demeaning, no judgement everything was for the betterment of everyone. Your positive attitude deeply inspires me. It has been so fascinating to watch everyone else’s work too, almost more helpful in this zoom format than a traditional format as you can really take the time to go back and watch other people’s videos. You can stop and start and really digest your feedback.
Paige Laree Poucel, Actor
Thank you so much for all your greatness and mindset help in the last four weeks! Everything was so well organized and the weekly personalized feedback was so helpful! It was worth every penny and helped me gain more clarity and confidence through the whole process. Lastly, I would definitely buy a t-shirt from you, if it said “Put your stank on it”, so let me know when those are available!
Samantha Stinger, Actor
Thank you DaJuan for your expertise! Your approach is life giving and empowering. You aren’t handing out fish but teaching us how to fish with patience, encouragement and practical assistance; for any level of acting. You nurture the newbies and give the experienced something to improve upon or develop. The hope and direction you give is a breathe of fresh air in the actor’s sails!
Caesar Samayoa, Actor
This is a whole new way of auditioning for me. It is night and day improvement already after just one class.
Dana DeRuyck, Actor
I’m so happy about how many comments you gave everyone. It was so specific. It was like a whole other class listening to all your comments. It was amazing. I learned so much from watching everyone else’s notes too. Thank you so much!
Melissa Williams, Actor
You'd be hard pressed to find such a gifted acting coach who is more excited about seeing you succeed - and that support was evident in every feedback and Q&A session! My confidence, not only in the technical self-tape process, but in my overall auditioning ability, has gone way up, thanks to the GPS info (especially the P!), weekly feedback and the ability to learn from watching others' work. I'm just really grateful that DaJuan created an opportunity for those of us out of LA to experience his gift by taking the magic online!
Here's what Alums are saying about the course!
Registration ends in...