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Part of our ACTOR 360 Series: Where we FOCUS on all of you! Not just acting...
Will Fill Up Fast!
This webinar will fill up FAST, reserve your spot NOW…
This Masterclass Series Will Be Fire!
In this FREE masterclass training you'll discover...
- Simplify Your Life as an Actor: Acquire practical strategies to declutter your spaces, enhancing mental well-being and providing a clear, creative canvas for your art.
- Achieve Inner Calm Amidst Your Artistic Journey: Experience inner peace by decluttering, reducing stress, and maintaining a serene mindset crucial for actors and artists alike.
- Discover the Purpose Behind Decluttering as an Artist: Explore the profound reasons for decluttering and how it can unlock your artistic potential and creativity.
- Elevate Your Acting and Self-Taping Skills: Learn how decluttering your environment can positively impact your acting abilities and self-taping sessions, boosting focus, creativity, and overall performance quality.
Your Coach

Hey, I’m DaJuan Johnson. I am a consistently working actor, certified life coach, and the Founder of Think Bigger Coaching where I Helps Actors Book off Self-Tapes and get to their dreams faster by developing a Booker’s Mindset. I am also the creator of my Signature Program SELF TAPES THAT BOOK.
Currently, you can catch me recurring as Detective Rondell Pierce on Amazon’s hit show BOSCH, where I just completed a seven season run. My credits include an ABC-backed Emmy-campaigned performance on Grey’s Anatomy — which I booked off a self-tape — and a lead role in the Emmy-nominated YouTube series The New 30. Other credits include NCIS (booked off self-tape), Narcos, Suits, Agent Carter, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, Private Practice, 24, and Bones. All this is to say — I’ve worked and I’ve been there and am DOING IT. STILL DOING. And THRIVING.
My mission is simple: to help you #SKIPTHELINE and #SeeYouOnSet
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